All landlords are required to have their gas appliances serviced regularly to make sure they’re efficient and safeas stated in the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998.
The Landlords’ Gas Safety Certificate is the report which lists all the checks carried out in your annual gas safety inspection.
It will prove that all the gas appliances, fittings and flues provided for your tenants were checked by a registered Gas Safe engineer in the last 12 months.
It’s also known in the trade as the CP12 Certificate as it dates to when CORGI was the body responsible for gas safety in the UK and the certificate was called the CORGI Proforma 12.
Now the Gas Safe Register is the official body issuing the Landlords’ Gas Safety Certificate in the UK.
Once this check has been completed by a Gas Safe registered engineer, a landlord will receivetheir CP12. The landlord will need to provide a copy of this to their tenants within 28 days.
It is essential to keep hold of old CP12 certificates for at least 2 year.
If tenants purchase a gas-based appliance, the landlord is responsible for any pipework that supplies them.
Tenants should also be aware of how to turn off the gas mains and should know what to do during a gas emergency.
Tenants should also be told who the gas transporter is, which is different dependent on location.
The cost of a Gas Safety Certificate is not fixed and is based upon the Gas Safe engineer you choose. We provide the service of checking gas safety, as our engineers are fully qualified for inspections.
They will:
- Check your appliances for gas tightness
- Check the standing and working gas pressure (if test points are available)
- Check the burner pressure/gas pressure against the manufacturer’s data plate
- Check for the satisfactory provision of all necessary ventilation
- Test the flue flow to ensure the removal of products of combustion
- Check that safety devices work properly
- Check for any misuse of gas devices or items

A landlord must have a working carbon monoxide alarm in any room used as living accommodation. For example, this can be rooms where there is a gas fire, log burning stove, wood burner. We can advise landlords the best place to install a carbon monoxide alarm.